Glacial asymmetry in Făgăraş Massif, Romania



In 1936, St. Pawlowski noticed a lack of balance in the distribution of cirques on either side of the main crests of the Carpathians. The author named this glacial assymmentry. The simplest way of calculating it is by determining the ratio between the number of cirques and that of the glacial valleys situated on the main diametrically opposed slopes. Nowadays we call this ratio numerical glacial asymmetry. A special type of asymmentry is the selective glacial asymmetry, which analyzes different populations of glacial forms or glaciers in terms of positioning and degree of development.
Out of those that we found, the most relevant such form is the main crest asymmetry. In the present study, this refers only to the glacial cirques situated tangentially to the main glaciated crests. Another type of asymmetry is determined by the ratio between the number, quality or dimension of the cirques to the surface unit. The role of these types of asymmetry is that of defining the distribution of cirque glaciers as accurately as possible. After applying the formula for calculating the numerical asymmetry in the Făgăraş Mountains, a north-south
reverse asymmentry results. But if we use the new formulas, we get a normal main asymmetry, which shows a higher intensity of glaciation on the north slope. Moreover, despite the exposure of the two main slopes, there was a clear eastern tendency in the development of
cirque glaciers, so that we may consider that the glacial asymmetry which is characteristic of the Făgăraş Mountains was actually one of a west-east type. Whereas glaciers were formed on the southern slopes, with higher insolation, the exposed western slopes of secondary south
crests completely lack glaciers. Therefore, we may conclude that the climatic factor (direction of dominant wind with precipitation) takes precedence over the morphological one.



glacial asymmetry, cirques, glaciation, Făgăraş Mts

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