Considerations of the hail phenomenon in the Bârlad drainage basin

Liviu APOSTOL, Ovidiu – Miron MACHIDON


Although manifested by large discontinuities in time and space, however, because the intensity that is sometimes implicitly physical damage they cause, knowing his peculiarities related to the genesis, frequency, territorial distribution and development of hail phenomenon presents a
interest, both theoretically - Climatological - and practical. The effects produced in the region of fall, hail - which is accompanied usually by wind, the electric discharge and rainfall floods - is a phenomenon whose territorial peculiarities of distribution are necessary to be known. It is
intended that the present study, by contributing to the knowledge of the meteorological phenomenon (along with studies conducted so far) will enable recovery of results especially in the areas of activities aimed at socio - economic.


hail, genesis, frequency, distribution, evolution

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