Extreme climatic phenomena and their impact in the shaping the current relief in the Bucegi-Leaota mountain complex



The shaping of the current relief represents an important direction of study concerning the mountain areas, as these areas are some of the most dynamic relief units in Romania. A series of major relief changes are related to the spatial-temporal evolution and variability of the meteorological parameters that generate the climate features. A special impact in the shaping of the current high mountain areas is generated by the extreme climate phenomena (freezing, extreme precipitations, strong winds, the action of the snow, heat waves and cold waves, generated by the dynamics of the atmospheric circulation). The mountain complex Leaota-Bucegi is characterized, from this perspective, by a great variability of the climate parameters, and at present it includes three major tiers of relief that are being shaped: periglacial, fluvio-torrential and transitional.


extreme climate phenomena, periglacial, Leaota, Bucegi, shaping the current relief

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