Braniştile – land use types in the medieval period (case study – the “braniştea” of Voroneţ Monastery



In the Middle Ages, in the Romanian States, as in of other European
countries, there appeared feudal domains that belonged to monasteries, nobles or rulers which were complex economic structures including pasture lands and hay fields for animals and also
woods, ponds, mills, hives etc. called “branişti”. They were exploited through the work of the subjugated peasants, who werw compelled to
give to the owners a rent equivalent to the tenth part of the obtained produce (the tithe). The access of the foreign people to the exploitation of these domains vas denied (according to the Slav word braniti = to stop, to deny access) except for the cases when they accepted to pay the same rents. The author continues with a case study dealing with the “braniştea” of Voroneţ Monastery – the way it was set up, the main stages of its evolution.


feudal domains, Voroneţ Monastery

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