Tourism and tourism environment within the Colibiţa basin-Applied geography matters.



The Colibiţa Basin, an entity with real touristic valences, is situated at the joining point of structogenes Bârgău and Călimani, superposing itself on the superior bed of Bistriţa Ardeleană river. Apart from its attractive resources (volcanic relief, tonic climate, mineral
springs, vegetable coating, hunting fund, landscape) as well as its historical background (former spa from late 19th century until 1976), Colibiţa holds the position of regional touristic pole. The main element to confer this status is the reservoir which, along with its apparition in 1982, revitalized the interest of tourists for this areal, determining important structural, aesthetic and functional changes on the environment. The present study is meant to analytically debate the complex relations, established in time, between the anthropic factor and the nature of places, with relevance for the touristic phenomenon and potential. The purpose of this demarche of applied geography is to provide the local and district authorities
planning to re-launch the former spa, an objective point of view upon the possibilities of revamping and capitalization of touristic patrimony within the context of sustainable development, upon the risks and impacts induced by aggressive exploitation of touristic
resources, as well as upon environmental protection and preservation


tourism environment, sustainable tourism, environment preservation

Full Text:



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