The influence of a drop-hydraulic structure on the mountain stream channel regime - case study from the Polish Carpathians



Basic hydraulic parameters such as shear stress, stream power, unit stream power and water velocities were calculated and measured within the region of a drop hydraulic structure erected on the Kasinczanka stream in the Polish Carpathians. Besides examining the hydrodynamics of the stream the study investigated also the distribution of grain size in the bed-load at the upstream and downstream aprons of the structure. It was revealed that grains deposited at the upstream apron were finer than those deposited at the downstream apron. At the same time, shear stresses and unit stream power values were found to be quite stable upstream of the drop structure, but to change significantly along the stream channel downstream of the structure’s energy dissipating pool


drop-hydraulic structure, stream regime, shear stresses, stream power

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