The suspended load flow on Siret river from the north side of Moldavia during the 2010 flood



In 2010, an exceptional flood occurred on Siret River, with liquid flow rates so high that it exceeded the maximum values so far known in many of the monitoring sections (Siret,
Huţani, Lespezi). The suspended load flows produced during this flood were uncommonly high on various sections of the river. This paper presents several aspects concerning the conditions in which solid flows are formed and how they evolve, as well as maximum rates recorded during this flood.
Statistical processing of the instantaneous values allowed realization of an association of suspended load flows taking into account the liquid flow. There have also been realized a
few very suggestive diagrams regarding special characteristics of the suspended load flow on Siret River. Following the analysis of the data, we have seen that anthropogenic impact proves to have the greatest influence on suspended load transportation.


flood, suspended load, anthropogenic impact, erosion, clogging

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