Palaeogeographic records in sediments of karst caves in Ukrainian Carpathians



Karst caves in the Ukrainian Carpathians are not numerous due to the limited extent of karst rocks in the region. Most known caves are concentrated in the Uhlja karst district, associated with the Marmarosh Klippen Zone. The known cavities are relics/fragments of ancient, probably Pre-Quaternary, hypogenic karst aquifer systems, partly destroyed and partly modified by infiltration and condensation water during Pleistocene. Clastic cave deposits in few caves were examined. The palaeontological records in these sediments are represented mainly by Vertebrate faunal remains: Ursus spelaeus, U. arctos, Panthera leo cf. spelaea, Martes martes, Meles meles, Vulpes vulpes, Felis silvestris, Rangifer tarandus, Bison priscus, Ochotona sp. Well stratified fine clastic sediments are quite rare, as well as the speleothems available for radioisotope examination


karst, caves, Quaternary, clastic deposits, Ursus spelaeus, Ukrainian Carpathians

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