Morphometric analysis of glacial landforms in the Northern part of the Slovak High Tatra Mountains



The High Tatra Mountains were glaciated during the European Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), dating back to 20 000 BP. Several studies (e.g. Midriak, 1983; Lindner et al., 2003) showed that all the main valleys, on both Slovak and Polish sides, were glaciated. We can identify glacial landforms typical of a high mountain environment: glacial cirques, complex cirques, troughs, and depositional zones. These form segments of a cascade system where ice accumulated in the upper parts (cirques) and flowed down-valley. Cirque morphometric characteristics (e.g. width, length, altitude, azimuth) were measured in GIS on the basis of the geomorphological map of Lukniš (1973)


glacial cirques, cirque morphometry, the High Tatras


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