The analysis of may 29 2012 flood phenomena in the lower sector of Slănic drainage basin (case of Cernăteşti locality area)



This paper aims to analyze, especially in terms of space, the phenomenon of flooding for Cernăteşti locality, dated May 29, 2012. In the context of high intensity torrential rains, in a short period of time, in this period occurred flash-floods of high intensity on Slănic river, producing catastrophic floods in Cernăteşti locality. Thus, for a rigorous analysis of spatial occurrence of these hydrological risk phenomena, were used detailed cartographic materials like 1:5000 topographic plans overlapped to analyzed territory. Also, have been analyzed and synoptic conditions directly responsible for floods extent with disastrous effects on socio-economic component.  The results certified that, due to the synergy between torrential rainfall and local morphometry, 60 ha of Slănic water meadow  sector was flooded on Cernăteşti locality segment, when more than 20 buildings and almost 500 m of the local accessiblity infrastucture were damaged


Cernăteşti, Slănic catchment, flash-floods, flooding, socio-economic elements, impact

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