The pedo-climatic microzones on the habitat of Cornu Luncii village

Ioan GONTARIU, Ioan-Cătălin ENEA


The territory where is placed the village Cornu Luncii, belong from point of geomorphologic of view on extra Carpathian passage of Moldavia (Baia Depression ), which is interpose between Suceava Plateau, from the north of passage and sub Carpathian hills from
the north of Culmea Pleşului, from south of passage. Thus, the relief of this territory formed through a selective evolution, in the longway of Moldavia valley, dominating the fluvial accumulation process and on the slopes and sub Carpathian tops, prevailing the fluviodedutionale process. The main role in the relief shaping belonged of the hydrographic arteries in the context of the epeirogenesis movements and of climatic quaternary variations. On the territory of the village Cornu Luncii there are 2 pedo-climatic micro zones (III-O-SP
with numerical code 82 habitat 2, which cover 611,29 ha, that mean 12,02 % and III-LSA, with numerical code 93 habitat 1, which cover 4539,19 ha, that mean 87,98 %).


relief, territory, pedo-climatic micro zones, habitat.

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