The glacial relief in the Leaota Mountains



The presence of glacial relief in the Romanian medium height massifs is still controversial. The medium height mountains, such as the
Leaota Mountains (in the Bucegi group), with maximum altitudes of almost 2000 m and
medium altitudes of approximately 1250 m, can display traces of glacial relief dating from the
Upper Pleistocene. The aim of this article is to provide evidence about the presence of the
glacial morphology in the northern part of the Leaota Peak, the main orographic node in the
massif with the same name. Thus, on the basis of field observations, of topographical map
analysis and by using the geographic information systems which made possible a detailed
morphometric analysis, I was able to gather evidence proving the existence of a glacial cirque
in the Leaota Mountains. The arguments put forward in this article show that the glacial relief
is represented in the Leaota Mountains through a small-size suspended glacial cirque, which
displays all the morphologic elements proving the existence of glaciation in this massif.


morphometry, glacial relief, Leaota Mountains, suspended cirques

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