Considerations on forest ecosystems evolution in the Republic of Moldova



Certain statistical data on forest ecosystems evolution in Republic of Moldova’s territory in 200 years period are analyzed in the article.  The history of forest fund and ecosystems’ development on the territory between Prut and
Nistru Rivers and of data presentation methods during different periods of territories’social economical development is summarized. Forest ecosystems development issues in
study and specifically those of forests’ continuity and conservation are extremely important for Republic of Moldova, which is a country with high population density, old
traditions in agricultural branch and with a major negative attitude towards biological diversity maintaining and forest ecosystems’ viable development. Goals and objectives of the present work are to analyze forest evolution and to identify
higher priority issues in order to rectify the situation in forest sector in Republic of Moldova. Basic characteristics of forest ecosystems are presented and causes of differences in data
interpretation were described on the basis of statistical data study and analysis during different periods and from different sources, as well as maps dated 1910 and 2004. Certain
basic elements of ecological management in forestry that exist in Republic of Moldova in present are described, such as legal normative base, infrastructure and others. 
The final part of work contains conclusions and some suggestions on forest ecosystems’viable development in Republic of Moldova according to European and international


forest ecosystems evolution, forested areas fragmentation

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