Physical and quality indicators of soils from Podu Iloaiei agricultural area

Irina Elena TODOAȘCĂ


Podu Iloaiei town is geographically situated in Inferior Jijia and Bahlui Plain, which is a sub-unit of Moldavian Plain. Geographical position, the specific relief of this area and the
factors and pedogenesis processes had a great influence over the development of the soil cover. On soil classes , the Chernozems have the greatest extinction rate(78%), followed
by protisols(11%), anthrosols(1%), gleysols (0,4%). 9,6% is represented by the complexes developed in areas affected by stabilized and semi-stabilized landslides. To estimate the quality of this soil cover was necessary the characterization of some qualitative and quantitative indicators. If at the beginning there were used only the chemical indicators to evaluate the quality of soil, now a similar importance is given to the physical and biological indicators. In Podu Iloaiei area, the physical indicators used to evaluate the quality of soil cover are: the soil texture, structure, porosity, compaction
degree, hydro-physical indicators of soil, excess of soil moisture. These indicators affect the way of lands use, too.


Podu Iloaiei, soil texture, soil structure, way of usage of lands, soil porosity, compaction degree, hydro-physical indicators of soil, excess soil moisture

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