Inter-annual fluctuations in the internal climate variability of the Eastern Carpathians foreland
Studies of the multicentennial climate dynamics over the European mountainous regions point to the primary external solar and atmosphere-ocean forcing included in the global climate models (Camenisch et al., 2016). The climate variability model during the period of instrumental records is resolved into several different in duration periods reflected in the regional climate models in response to the boundary forcings (Deque et al., 2007; Birsan et al., 2014). Still, the appropriate inclusion of internal climate variability remains the complicated task in the climate change models and projections (Maraun et al., 2015).The acknowledged methods of trend analysis enabled to detect phases of decrease/increase in Europe that are significant mostly for the thermal regime. The issue of representation of internal short-term fluctuations in the climate trends requires further exploration and unification. The analysis of such periods on the example of the forelands of Eastern Carpathians may provide information for the onset of the climate change phases in response to local features of climate transformation