
The climatic factors and the configuration of the topography in the Giurgeu - Ciuc
intramontane basin, situated at the contact between the Mesozoic crystalline and the
Neogene-Quaternary volcanic rocks cause variables on the medium and long-term
practice of agriculture in the hearth of Giurgeu basin. Continuous adaptation of the
population to restrictive circumstances imposed by natural factors have created the
preconditions for preserving some traditions that fall within the specifics of ecological
farming, based on application / implementation of the basic principles of sustainable
development, long before their consecration, at theoretical and conceptual level, on a
global scale.
The cold climate specific to high mountains which last over 6 months per year, the
persistence of temperature inversions as factors of natural risk have determined a passive
adaptation of the inhabitants to these environmental conditions. The rural society from
this basin ,on the whole, has some specific features based on its seniority and traditions
and, most often, the relationship being sustainable, reinforced by habits and interests of
the community. Traditions, with reference to the way the land is parceled and used, to the
organization and improvement of the agricultural land, are reflected in all daily activities
and also in the spiritual life.
Continuous adaptation of the population to restrictive circumstances imposed by
natural factors have created the preconditions for preserving some traditions that fall
within the specifics of ecological farming, based on application / implementation of the
basic principles of sustainable development, long before their consecration ,at theoretical
and conceptual level, on a global scale. Functional analysis of the medium and long term
development of rural communities in Giurgeu Depression has as main target the
strengthening of agricultural traditions and the superior development of characteristic
values of the local landscape by the development of eco-tourism. We tried to identify how
the factitive, as a principle of research in geographical sciences, determines certain facts,
while the conditional ensures the permanent habitation and maintenance of local
traditions. From a factitive and conditional point of view, we sought to identify the
features that characterize best the rural landscape of Giurgeu basin, which, in its most
part, is profitable to a satisfactory level. We consider that the analysis of the way in which
every local community fits into the announced policies of The National Strategy for the
Sustainable Development by 2030 and in The National Strategy for the Development of
Ecotourism - in project, but with deadline till the end of 2009 - will make all the factors of
decision more responsible on the immediate priority, and will determine the rethinking of
the strategic goals of local development in the spirit of the community values.



Depresiunea Giurgeu, climă, agricultură, dezvoltare durabilă, agroturism.

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